Sunday, December 01, 2013

You can't take it with you.

It's Sunday morning and many people are heading out to church. I am sitting here thinking how I have wasted my life. If I just had a little less integrity, I could be a multimillionaire with

"...often-vacant homes in Texas and the former Conway Twitty estate in Tennessee, corporate jets valued at $8 million and $49 million each and thousand-dollar dinners with fine wines, paid with tax-exempt money." 
Paul Crouch of that fake television church that own our local Holy Land Experience, died this week. All those millions he sucked up from little old ladies will do him no good now.

But he lived the good life for a long time. No resemblance to Jesus, unfortunately.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was not an event like the one pictured at the right. Don't get me wrong, it was not the dysfunctional kind with the crazy uncle, it was just blah.

Part of the problem is that Thanksgiving is being forgotten as people focus on sales. Black Friday has crept into Thursday, and even if you manage yo stay home, Black Friday commercials are all over the TV interrupting football or holiday movies. The Thursday paper is larger than any Sunday edition, and it draws people away from family to peruse ads.

People gobble down the meal, and start cleaning so as t get someone else. No matter how good the food is, and mine was great as my partner does a great bird, the holiday atmosphere is just not there.

I have to take some responsibility for this and I am planning for a festive feast next year,

It's funny that we celebrate Thanksgiving with a focus on the Pilgrims/Puritans at Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. They did not even celebrate the first Thanksgiving, and retailers would be shocked to know that celebrating Christmas was against the law. That's right, no Black Friday as there is no Christmas.

Others competing for the title are residents of Plymouth in 1621, Jamestown, Virginia in 1610, and Maine in 1607.

However, they are all Johnny-come-latelys. El Paso, Texas lays a claim that dates to 1598, and Thanksgiving was celebrated 56 years before Plymouth Rock in Saint Augustine Florida after Spanish explorers arrived n September 8, 1565.

I suppose we would have to agree that Thanksgiving is really a Southern thing.

Whoever was first really doesn't matter. Just as Lincoln's proclamation establishing Thanksgiving in 1863 supplanted Evacuation Day, which was celebrated annually on November 25th, there will be a time in the future when Thanksgiving is forgotten. Probably when Black Friday becomes Black Wednesday.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Terrapins in Florida this week

I haven't written anything in a couple of months. I certainly haven't written about sports, but feel a real need to do so today.

While I look to a great season for the Maryland Terrapins, I really only hope for victory in one game. The 4-0 Terrapins travel to Tallahassee this weekend to meet the 4-0 Seminoles. I cannot think of a better game to be watching, and certainly the best match-up in years. Maryland has not been 4-0 in 12 years!

This week Florida State beat a team that won just two games last season and finished last in the conference's Atlantic Division. Maryland, on the other hand, is off a 37-0 victory over a team that just beat No.11 Oklahoma State. After the loss the Cowboys dropped to No. 21.

Maryland is currently a 17 point underdog in this match-up. They cracked the Top 25 at No. 25 for the first time since 2008. This is the first time since 2006 that they have faced a ranked team as a ranked team. A loss will drop them back into obscurity.

17-point underdog. Do I want to rack up 8 hours on the road to see the game, or just watch it on TV? The Gaylord Palms in Orlando has the biggest screen outside Cowboy Stadium - a two-story, 37-foot sports screen! And, I can catch the Orlando Pride Parade afterwards. I think that is a no-brainer.

I'm not a big NFL fan, but I do like the Dolphins. They take on New Orleans this Monday night. Unfortunately, I think their 3-0 streak is about to end. :-(

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Who's the real Iron Man?

It's not RGIII, as you may suspect, but inside linebacker London Fletcher. Why, you may ask? 240 straight games. That's right, despite being in contact with 2000 running backs, tight ends, and quarterbacks, he is like the Energizer Bunny - he takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

I started my working career in the United States Air Force. I spent 23 years there and never missed a day of work. Yes, I did get sick in those 23 years - three times to the best of my recollection - but I was still on the job.

My first illness occurred in Vietnam. I have no idea what it is called there, but in the rest of the world it is known as Delhi Belly or Montezuma's Revenge. I got it from unwashed salad. Despite frequent trips to the loo the next day, I was on the job. The Food Services Superintendent called me in and chewed me out for slacking. I just kept my mouth shut and let him rant and rave in stupidity. I am proud to say that when the day came for me to be Food Services Superintendent, I was a better man. I still got my butt chewed by the Commander, but it was because I would not come down like a ton of bricks on some poor Airman that was just trying to fit in.

Remember the time when President George H. W. Bush puked his guts out all over Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa's lap? They call that Bushu-suru. I didn't have a Prime Minister available, but I had the same ailment when I was in Tampa. I went to the hospital on Friday afternoon and was out Saturday morning. They told me to watch what I ate or drank, so I put milk in my scotch until I was better.

The third time I got sick was in Phoenix after a trip to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth out. It took four hours to remove two teeth. They had rounded tops and the instrument couldn't grasp them, so they had to be broken apart. Four hours in the chair with my jaw being stretched to the limit. Fortunately, the Novocaine held until that evening, and I was back to work the net day.

Take that Cal Ripken, Jr! I didn't have an off season to rest.

If you don't like the rules, then just change them to suit your prejudices. That is the policy of the Lake County School Board. The Christofascists on the board are moving heaven and earth to make sure that no LGBT students have an opportunity to meet and help each other in the face of constant bullying.

A Gay-Straight Alliance empowers students to advocate for safe schools policies, mobilize their peers to stand up for safety and equality, and train teachers to stop bullying.

Now, what could be wrong with that?


I finally got my room cleaned and I think it looks great.

I have currently lost 22 pounds, and am still working hard on losing more.

I have read 20 books in the first half of the year.

Those are completed goals. I still have a lot of goals that need work!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I am not Trayvon's Grandfather...

But I could be. I have a grandson about Trayvon's age. He is black, and most likely wears a hoodie, and lives in Florida. So, he is a target just as Trayvon was. I have to worry that some yahoo with a concealed weapon permit may decide one day that he doesn't like the way he looks, just as Zimmerman did.

With the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, and many other states, racists have a license to kill on a whim. Let's not kid ourselves, carrying a concealed weapon marks you as a racist. You have no other reason to carry a weapon other than your fear of minorities.

I am smarter than you are. I am more educated than you are. I have probably lived longer than you have, and I certainly have more experiences than you could dream of. Yet, I do not carry a weapon, and will not have one in my house or car. Why is that? Am I missing something? I seriously doubt it.

I know how the world works. I was involved in a serious incident as a juvenile, and the police simply returned me to my parents and suggested they get counseling for me. That is the way of the world for middle and upper class whites. I have never had to live my life in fear. I have never worried that spitting on the sidewalk could get me arrested, and I certainly can wear a hoodie with impunity.

Yes, I did have to be subjected to police racism in Tampa some 40 years ago, but that was only because I was driving with two Black women in my car. I can drive through any neighborhood I want as long as I am alone. My grandson would do well to stay out of  Carrollwood, Brandon or South Tampa.

The statistics are there for anyone who takes the time to find them. The case for racism in stand your ground shootings is more than evident. 

I spent 23 years in the military trying to protect the country I live in. It is no longer the country I grew up in or the country I fought for. It is a country that is racist, women-hating, and only interested in preserving the status quo for those in power.

First Lady Michelle Obama once said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." I do not yet see hope for the Trayvon Martins of the world.

Maybe if I live to be 100...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good night, sweetheart, its time to go now.

It's 3:30 in the morning and I am having to make one of the hardest decisions of my life. I am searching blogs reading what others say (Slate and Whirlpool), but I know the decision rests with me.

It is not as if I hadn't been here before. The first time (Taco) really doesn't count as I believe I acted out of ignorance. If I had more information, I probably would have made a different decision. She is buried at our house in Ocean Springs.

The second time was easy, as May Lee was experiencing kidney failure. In that case, I probably hung on too long before making a decision. She died peacefully in my arms after getting a shot.  I do remember leaving her at the vet in Moron and walking down the street crying. I went to the NCO Club on base for medication.

It was several years later in Texas when we lost May Lee's daughter, Honey. She knew when it was time, and went in the night. I got up and found her, as I suspected I would, and I bawled like a baby. I buried her, crying all the time, and put a tree on top to mark her grave. I'll get back to Hereford one day and see if it is still there.

Bitsy was born in Hereford, and she went here in Florida. She must have been in a lot of pain, as she could hardly walk at the end. I definitely waited too long on her, and decided to relieve her pain and take her to the vet in the morning. She went on her own that very night, and I regret waiting so long.

Muffin is losing her sight. Pat said she couldn't even see her dinner last night. Her hearing is going, and she just lays in the kitchen or in a chair all day. There is no apparent "quality of life" remaining.

I have a friend who just spent several thousand dollars trying to save one of her cats. That is not an option for me, and the result would probably be the same. The cat didn't make it anyway, and how can you be sure that they are not in pain.

On the other hand, how do you know you are jumping the gun? Maybe I just don't like waking at 3:30 in the morning. Maybe I don't like the extra work it takes to get her to take care of business. Maybe I am being influenced by the fact that I have two very young dogs in addition to Muffin.

It's been 2 hours since she got me up and she is sleeping peacefully. Maybe it's not time after all.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Does Mother Nature do bailouts?

Tornado season is just about over, and it has certainly been exciting. I was on the phone with Mom during the last one as we watched to see if family was in the path - they were, but all are alright. Tornadoes can come any time, but the prime season is April - June. We still have some worrying to do, as most of my relatives live in Tornado Alley.

Yesterday was the start of hurricane season. For the next five months, we will be watch to see if the predicted storms occur. There are four major hurricanes expected, and there is a 50-50 chance that at least one will hit the East Coast (including us), and one will enter the Caribbean.

No one in the path of these storms can deny that we are getting many more that the historical norm, and that they are much more intense. Of course, there is an industry, funded by billionaires, that seeks to deny that climate change is occurring, much like the cigarette industry denied the dangers of tobacco. Climate Change deniers are just as ridiculous as Holocaust deniers. Sorry, but stupidity is stupidity, and there is no use being kind to idiots.

The are probably no get-rich-quick schemes that are legal, but there are ideas that have not been explored. You just have to find a niche and develop it. Case in point is the electric vehicle that is designed for people using wheelchairs. How this came to be is a fascinating story, and, hopefully, it will make some people wealthy as it helps those who use wheel chairs live a better life.

Also, you might want to check out the Disability Scoop on Facebook.

When you talk about the disabled, you cannot forget all the ex-military personnel who come home with
PTSD and other mental issues. Some of the problem is self-inflicted (It is estimated that 50% of the soldiers that were in Vietnam at the time I was there, used drugs.), but there is a real problem with those returning from war and ending up in prison when they need mental-heath  or substance-abuse services. Former service members make up and estimated 10% of the prison population. Medication and incarceration is a tool used by a justice system that is severely overworked. Buffalo, NY set up a program in 2008 that deals with this problem. They have a special veterans court that selects vets for treatment for substance-abuse or mental-health problems. Most of the cost is paid by the VA, and the recidivism rate is ZERO for those that complete the program. Now, isn't that a better way to treat veterans? It is also a better way to treat all who have substance-abuse and mental-health problems, but politicians have found that being "tough on crime" is better for them than solving problems.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in a the final sense a theft from all those who hunger and who are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

Friday, April 26, 2013

Put... the bunny... back... in the box.

If you got a colored bunny last year, I hope you enjoyed it. The Floriduh Legislature has sent the Governor a bill that rescinds their bill passed just last year that allows bunnies and chicks to be dyed. It's good to know that Floriduh wants to protect bunnies and other animals from abuse. We don't want to have stories about men and dogs as they do in Louisiana. Now, if they would only rescind that ridiculous "droopy drawers" bill.

Kudos to Scott Maxwell for alerting us that the clowns in Tally that are pushing the alimony bill are all divorced or in the process. Talk about legislation that benefits you personally! Maybe Senator Lee can donate a building to Stetson University and get a special law passed a la Henry Flagler. It wasn't long ago that these same clowns were pushing the "sanctity of marriage" as they sought to pass Amendment 2. Of course we all know that the ban on gay marriage was just a ruse to get rednecks to the polls. Well alimony is not a concern of mine as I celebrated my 35th anniversary this year. Hard to believe someone would out up with me for 35 years, but it's true!

Sen. Truck Nutz, local merchant of death, is hopping mad that he can't advertise his gun business on Comcast. At least he know how it feels to be discriminated against since he is such a big supporter of the Boy Scouts, one of the most discriminatory organizations in the country. I cannot understand why The Southern Poverty Law Center hasn't designated them a hate group. Maybe it's because they don't wear hoods and burn crosses, but their discriminatory policies are just as bad as others who shout god and country while spreading hate like the Family Research Council or Westboro Baptist Church or the misnamed American Family Association. Of course he also promotes others who practice hate like those on the Lake County School Board and the Lake County School administration, who are bending and twisting themselves out of shape over a Gay-Straight Alliance in Carver Middle School.

Country music died today with the demise of one of the greats, George Jones. I grew up listening to country music, but quit when stars like Jones, and Randy Travis, and Johnny Cash fell out of the mainstream. 1990 was the dividing line when country became pop. Classic Songs like "She Thinks I Still Care," "He Stopped Loving Her Today," "The Grand Tour," and "I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool" are all part of a past when things were slower and more civilized.

The Leesburg Bikefest is in full swing with the first of 70 bands playing right now. 70 bands! I am sure you can find music to move your feet. And, if that isn't enough, there is always Ms Bikefest, Ms Gator Harley, Ms Rat Hole, Ms Budwieser, or MRLUCKYMAN to peak your interest. Three days of good clean fun. Every time I think of Bikefest, I remember Jeff Stuckey, who we lost recently. He was a music lover, and loved the attention he received at events like Bikefest. I miss that little guy.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

100% Chance of Rain Today

Those who do the weather forecasts on local news never predict with such certainty. In fact, my wife rolls her eyes if they even predict a 40 or 50% chance of rain. I am 100% certain, however, that rain will occur today.

I don't even need to rely on the WKMG weather goddesses, Elizabeth Hart and Julie Houghton. If there were a list of hot weather forecasters,  these two would certainly be on it. Oh, there is a list. lol

Anyway, to the forecast  I had to spend my Saturday at Rasmussen College in Ocala learning CPR and First Aid; some new requirement out of Tallahassee's Department of Things We Dream Up to Justify Our Job.   I went to roll my window up after I arrived, and BAM!, it was stuck. I now know with certainty that the seat of my car will get soaked today. lol

I don't know why I was there, as this training is readily available on the internet. They even give you a certificate to hang on the wall, which was missing from the class I took. It's a whole lot cheaper, too. You can get CPR, First Aid, and Blood-borne Pathogens for less than 60% of taking it live. But, you don't get the jokes from a live instructor and the chance to be with some hot nurses. Everything has a trade-off. Fortunately, I had my phone to take a pic so you could see what you missed.

I was reading Jerry Greene's review of 42 this morning, and it was pretty much what I expected. What caught my interest, however, was a comment about the Leo G. Hershberger Award. There should be a special award for the four individuals whose creativity lasted 40 years before being revealed. A Tip of the Hat to all of you.

I work with the developmentally disabled, so Scott Maxwell's column this morning hit home. If you want to know just how stupid the powers in Tallahassee are, then all you need to do it read the article. A taste: "He's blind. And they are showing him pictures of a giraffe, a monkey and an elephant -- and asking him which one is the monkey."

It is just like watching DELMARVA auditors ask questions of our clients, and writing down the answers, which are all the same no matter what the question.

Maxwell, Lauren Ritchie, and Carl Hiaasen are must-reads in Florida.

"LaPierre might seem like an under-medicated whack job, but he’s just acting. His job is to frighten people, and to sell more guns." -- Hiaasen

"We have become so test-obsessed that we substitute standardized exams for common sense." == Maxwell

RE: School Superintendent Susan Moxley, "She needs to consider more carefully whether she should be accepting honors from and raising money for organizations that regard some of her students as unworthy of membership." - Ritchie

I had to run to Winn Dixie to get something for supper. Trips to that store always remind me of the song Pizza in My Shorts by Da Yoopers:

We’re the rotund family we never get along
We love to drive each other nuts and argue all day long
But when we order pizza that’s one time we all agree
Cause no one loves that pizza like the rotund family

It's time for Lulu, so I'll sign off.

Read more here:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sweet music from the HARP

It is not often that something actually goes down in cost. My paycheck has been going down for several years now. Every time the Florida Lege has to balance the budget, I take a cut in pay. I can't really complain, as I chose to be a Social Worker, and I knew I wouldn't get rich doing it.

It was a pledge I made after retiring from the Air Force. I spent 23 years helping to break things, and swore I would spend an equal amount of time trying to fix things. I spent 11 years in Child Protective Services, mostly in Texas, and have spent the last nine years working with the developmentally disabled. Not a path to riches, but I am collecting some good karma.

Some of that karma came back last month when the bank that holds my mortgage called and asked if I wanted my payment to go down $112 a month. Well, duh, I think that might be a good thing. They chopped two years off my mortgage, and lowered the interest rate so I could save some money. The good thing is that the refinancing didn't cost me a nickle. I am sure they are getting reimbursed by the government under HARP. I kept up my mortgage payments even though my house dropped 50% in value and went underwater. I like my house, and figured it would get right someday. Now, I am being rewarded for making payments on time. Yeah!

It is a good thing I never had enough money to buy gold. It has dropped 17% since 2011. As the economy improves, it will probably drop even more. Just like tulips and beanie babies, gold falls as fast as it rises. Better to put you money into something really valuable, like bacon.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Going Postal

I see that Congress is telling the Post Office that they have to keep delivering mail on Saturday. That is just stupid, but no one ever lost money betting against finding intelligence in Congress. Australia, Canada and Sweden all deliver five days a week, and I am not sure that is even necessary. I try to use electronic delivery from all businesses that offer it. I got one letter on Thursday, and one on Friday. Today I got a magazine. Maybe I'll get an iPad someday and eliminate that.

Mail is certainly important in a war zone, and was especially important to those who served before e-mail. There was no need for phone cards in Vietnam, as there were no phones to call back to the States. Letters were the only means to connect with family.

But, mail is important at other times, also. I left MacDill AFB in Tampa in 1974 and headed to Iceland. The road from Hofn to the radar site ran along the mountain. We didn't often get snow, but when we did, it was accompanied by 60 knot winds that piled the snow on that road and closed us off from civilization and mail. I watched grown men blubber like babies after going days without mail. They finally had to fly over and drop it in.

When we flew into Hofn, it was on C-47/DC-3 out of Keflavik. A noisy rattling plane that was the only aircraft I could ever sleep on. Go figure. We'd fly all the way to Hofn, and the winds would be too strong to attempt a landing. The runway was gravel, and iced over in winter. Back to Keflavik to try again tomorrow.  It took three attempts before the pilot said. "the heck with it" and put her down. It was a bit scary and we flew over the beach where one plane sat that didn't make it the year before. I found out later the site had a cabin made out of another plane that didn't make it.

Hofn was a radar site that monitored Russian Bears flying across the Arctic  I imagine satellites do this today. I was not a "scope-dope", but managed the site exchange. I was in the Air Force and the Site Commander was my boss, but the exchange belonged to the Navy, so I also worked for them. Not a problem except for the time I had to tell my boss the Air Force IG could not enter my office. Maybe I could have been more tactful, but tact is not a strong suit with me.

Sgt Joe Pyrdek 1967-68
When I wasn't minding the store, I kept busy working as a DJ. We had an AFRTS station that was 1400 KHz and cranked 10 watts. It was enough to reach into town. I did country before I went to work in the morning, soul on Saturday, and classical on Wednesday night after the movie. I was also the projectionist for the 8 movies they sent us each week. There wasn't much else to do, and I still remember it as one of my best assignments.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A harmonic convergence?

Sometimes things just come together. It may not be earth shaking, or awe inspiring, but it just fits, it feels right, and you have to take action.

This happened the other day when I was reading Lauren Ritchie's column. I read her column often to see what the politicians in Lake County are up to. Nothing ever changes, but it is fun to see them standing naked in the noonday sun as they spend their time and energy promoting their wacky ideas instead of tending to the people's business. This particular commentary was about the shakedown being put on the school district employees to cough up for the Boy Scouts honoring the school superintendent.

This event is co-chaired by Carey Baker. I thought we got rid of Senator Truck Nutz when he was term-limited out of office. Only in Lake County do uneducated gun nuts get elected. Unfortunately, he managed to step over the dead body of our property appraiser to get him another cushy lifetime position. No term limits this time, and we have to look forward to annual missives begging us to address him as "honorable." Fat chance!

He must be using the property appraisal mailing list to promote his Boy Scout activity. I cannot think of any other way I would get invitations to their dinners. I am thankful to Senator Truck Nutz for one thing. I now have a list of people that I can refer to when voting or conducting business in Lake County.

There is, of course, the honoree Dr. Moxley. I believe I have already recognized Dr. Moxley in the past. I recognized her as a poor leader who is more concerned with the opinions of the people who hired her than the students she is responsible for. A Carver Middle School student has been trying for two years to get a Gay/Straight Alliance approved to reduce the effects of ignorant bullies at her school. The solution our hapless school board espouses is to ban all clubs rather than allow one with such a lofty and needed goal. You can play all the games you want to, but it is Dr. Moxley who is the final word, and her word has been NO.

Next is co-chair Sean Parks, a Lake County Commissioner in South Lake. Since I do not plan to move, I can ignore him.

I cannot ignore Sen. Alan Hays, who recently threw a conniption fit over having to sit behind a bus loading and unloading. I cannot imagine why he was in such a hurry. He is a darling of the Christian Coalition and the Chamber of Commerce, so I automatically vote for whomever is running against him. Since he had to wait for the bus, he immediately rushed to Tallahassee to file a bill banning buses from ever delaying him again.   I kid you not! This, along with bills banning truck nutz and droopy drawers, is what passes for legislation in Florida.

Two other Lake County Commissioners are on the list: Jimmy Conner and Leslie Campione. I must remember to cast my ballot against Campione, as she is my commissioner. Ditto for the Sheriff, Gary Borders and his chief deputy Peyton Grinnell, should he ever run for higher office. I wonder if there is any truth to the salacious rumors going around on those last two? School Board Member Bill Mathias is not in my district, but I will pay attention to who votes with him.

I have been considering a new car, and have done a lot of research. It is good, because my present vehicle comes from Vann Gannaway. You can be sure my next vehicle will come from someone else. I don't plan to get another house, but Shamrock Realty will be avoided because of Keith Shamrock, as will Vangie Berry Realty because of Michael Tart.

I will stay away from Mission Inn to avoid “Bud” Beucher; I really don't have to worry about Kasey Kesselring, as I have nothing to do with Montverde Academy. I am not sure about Bill Hayes. Was he a teacher?

Now, some may take umbrage at being included on my list. All I am doing is supporting the Boy Scouts or Dr. Moxley, they say. You are supporting a group that discriminates, and you are supporting someone who does not put the students of Lake County first in all things.

Proverbs 13:20 says "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

I can't say it any better than Solomon did.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hey Spain, thanks for nothing.

Can you believe that it is almost the 200th anniversary of Spain's ceding of Florida to the USA? Yes, it was on February 22, 1819 that the dastardly deed took place. We could under King Juan Carlos instead of Rick Scott. We probably wouldn't have the annual redneck convocation at Daytona Beach either. Despite all the hullabaloo over Danica Patrick at the pole, you can be sure that one of those good old boys will make sure she doesn't finish. They can't be beaten by a girl! She's going off at 18-1, if you plan to waste your money. UPDATE: OK, I was wrong. She did finish 8th. Congrats.

Speaking of rednecks, the Lake County School Board is really showing their ass over the issue of a Gay-Straight Alliance at carver Middle School. The talk about their desire to end bullying, but when a positive answer to the problem comes up, they stall and bloviate and hope the children graduate and go away before they have to do anything. It reminds me of the time a grand jury was investigating a parent's abuse of his children, and the father brought up the fact that his ex was a lesbian. All of a sudden the investigation of the father ended and the grand jury spent their time on the mother. This was one of my cases in Texas, and it shows where their heads are at. Gay and lesbian teens are not going to go away even if you bury your collective heads in the sand. They have always been here, and will be here long after your redneck ass is dust. Mega kudos to Lauren Ritchie for her excellent reporting on this exercise in stupidity by the school board.

I love the Ticked Off! column in the Orlando Sentinel. It is amazing how people get ticked at the smallest things. Someone today complained about a $110,000 jury award. That certainly doesn't compare to the $160,000 award to an old woman who spilled coffee in her lap. How about the burglar who got $500,000 because he got locked in the garage for 8 days, or the dumb Okie who put her Winnebago in cruise mode and went back to make a sandwich. She got $1,750,000 and a new Winnebago. How's that for profiting from your own stupidity?

Did you know that 11% of high school seniors are using Spice or K-2? That's synthetic marijuana for those who have not come across this drug that is available in gas stations and convenience stores. One of my clients has almost completely destroyed his life over this stuff, and another was well on the way. Hopefully the latest intervention will save him. The latest news says the government may very well lose their case of these designer drugs because they can't keep up with the chemists that are producing them. This will be something to watch closely.

I haven't started destroying that Gazelle as I resolved to do for this year, but I am working out three times a week with a trainer. He is making sure that I leave my 45-minute sessions with a sweaty tee.Oh, well, I am getting better, and I do get 45 minutes of reading in. Currently, I am listening to Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality by Patricia Chruchland. I had been reading Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to WWII by Douglas Blackmon. It was outstanding.

Enough for today. I'm going out to enjoy the 80 degree temps we are enjoying this week. Yes, the azaleas are in full bloom and the grass needs cutting. Despite the antics of Governor Scott and the uneducated dolts in the Florida legislature, we can enjoy nature's beauty. I'll be out watching some clients play Bocce tomorrow and you can be sure I will find a mess of bacon to make my weekend complete. So, enjoy your snow, as I enjoy my sunshine.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Resolutions Update

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted. I did not plan any regular updates, not even once a week. I just wanted to get it down when the mood strikes me.

I am not exactly setting the world on fire with my resolutions for the new year. I am making progress. I finished a book this week. It is a whole lot easier to finish one when it's a Jack Reacher mystery than Team of Rivals.

I resolved to exercise 13 minutes every day. I have not done that exactly. I do work out 30 minutes 3 times a week with a trainer, and I did walk an hour yesterday, so I am averaging more than 13 minutes a day. I have a race on my schedule for March, so I have to get in shape. Does anyone have a GoPro Hero I can borrow?

I'll be able to add a cultural event this weekend. No, not the Superbowl, but the Mount Dora Art Festival. Always a great was to kill a couple of hours - and you get exercise, too.

I got home today and found a bag with what looked like dog poop on my lawn. Must have been my neighbors. They must have seen some poop on their lawn and thought one of my evil demons had left it. I think I'll get them a sign for their yard.

Speaking of poop, I see where actor Jason London denies defecating in cop car during arrest. Who does he think he is- Ted Nugent?

And, speaking of Ted Nugent, local gun dealers are reporting sales have quadrupled in the past month. Quadrupled! One says you can't even get a spot in the parking lot at lunchtime. So, is ex-Senator Truck Nutz, owner of one of these stores, sending a personal thank you note to President Obama for making him richer. They blame him for the opportunity they have to gouge the gullible and make obscene profits, so they should be thanking him, too.

I can't believe I am watching The Greatest Superbowl Commercials of all Time. Will they be taking commercial breaks to show some football? We complain about commercials, and then we sit down to watch an hour of them. Are we nuts? No, I just wanted to see Catrinel Menghia again.

I can stare at Catrinel while Windows 8 is downloading. I am expecting a steep learning curve, but I want to upgrade to Office 365, and I'm assured it works much better with Windows 8. Sounds reasonable, so we;ll find out.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bacon Fudge

I have been meaning to make bacon brownies for some time. I finally got around to it last night. Well, it was bacon fudge, but that's OK.

I had the bacon already. Yes, you can use any bacon that your favorite supermarket provides, but I was looking for something special. I used Boss Hog bacon, which is available from Bacon Freak. It may not be the perfect bacon for bacon brownies as it does not get crispy when you cook it. That means you have to cut it up instead of just crumbling it. Ladies, if you are interested in attracting the right kind of male, Bacon Freak also has Boss Hog fragrance.

Now, do not think that you need a whole package of bacon to make brownies. In fact, you only need about a quarter pound. What to do with the rest of that bacon is not a problem. One of the steps in making fudge is to stir the milk and sugar for four minutes. While your right hand is stirring, you can be picking up the prepared bacon with your left hand and enjoying it. It won't lesson the stirring time, but it sure makes it more enjoyable. I found that when I was finished stirring, I had exactly a quarter pound left.

I mentioned milk and sugar. You will need that as well as eggs and chocolate, Marshmallows are nice, and, while I consider pecans essential to good brownies, I forgot them. That is called a "senior moment." If you have not experienced one, don't worry, you will. Say that last line as Steven Berkoff did in Rambo II. LOL

Now, I could give you all the measures, but that would be a real waste of time. When I was picking up a Christmas present Pat at ordered at Walmart, I found a box of Carnation fudge mix at the checkout. I grabbed it, thinking this was a simple solution to my quest. Since I had no eggs in the house, It was the perfect solution. I just substituted a tablespoon of the bacon grease for a tablespoon of butter and I was good to go. I cut up my bacon and put it in the mix as I was putting it in the pan. I saved some to put on top as you see above.

Note the Carnation box says 24 servings. It should be obvious from my picture, that I will only get four servings.

Next time I will use a brownie mix. Ghiradelli and Duncan Hines both make them, and I am sure there are others. Makes  it easy to prepare as you do not have to worry about missing an ingredient. If you are a purist with time on your hands. there are many recipes for brownies and fudge on the internet, or you may have a favorite anyway. Just add bacon after you pour in half the mix, and then gently pour the other half on top. Remember to save a little to top you goodie.

It goes well with your favorite vanilla ice cream. I use Ben & Jerry's, but conservative friends can use something like Blue Bell. It's not real ice cream, but I guess it'll do.

Don't forget to enjoy.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Unintended Consequences

Things do not always turn out the way you planned. That should be no surprise to anyone, but sometimes the way things happen is just funny.

I went to CVS the other day as Pat told me they had a sale on TRESemmé. I am not a slave to brands, although I do like Pure Aveda, so three for $10 was very appealing. I got to the store and found they also had coupons on them worth $1.75. That's buy one, get two free! What a deal. Needless to say, I did look around and got caught at the "As Seen on TV" shelf. Santa brought me a Kuerig for Christmas, so I saw they had a package of four filters that you can put your favorite coffee in (Starbucks Sumatra) your Keurig. I had a single filter, but four means I always have coffee ready to brew. Hey, Starbucks, what's up with that "Blonde" coffee? If they want weak coffee, they can find it on the supermarket shelf in large quantities.

Then I saw what they called a "pocket hose." Definitely something I need, as I got a shower the last time I turned the hose on. There was also a light that you slap up on the wall and it turns on anytime someone walks by. Great idea, but it was a disappointment when I got home as it really doesn't provide much light. It's OK, but you would need about 10 of them to light a two-car garage. Lastly, I got a Mighty Mend. I have several projects where that would be useful.

Bottom line: I went in to spend $10 on shampoo, and walked out about $60 poorer. Maybe I would have been better off going to the salon.

Oscar Time

The Oscar season has started, and for the next 44 days, we will be bombarded with award shows, and discussion about who should win. I am something of a movie nut, so this is a fun time of year for me.

Three to see, if you haven't already, are Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, and Silver Linings Playbook.

Of course, there is always controversy about the Oscars. This year, it's the omission of highly regarded directors. I am reminded of a line by one of my favorite characters in  Inglourious Basterds: Shosanna Dreyfus: "I'm French. We respect directors in our country."

The Broadcast Film Critics Association gave out their awards last night, and Argo won Best Picture, and Ben Affleck was awarded Best Director. Affleck was one of the directors left off the Oscar ballot. Maybe I should add Argo to the "must see" list.

I really enjoyed reading "No Easy Day: The Autobiography of a Navy SEAL" by Mark Owen, so Zero Dark Thirty is on the top of my list to see.

Final Thought

I have been a philhellene for many years. I fully expect to spend my last days in Greece. Imagine my surprise to find out today that I actually have Greek blood. Being mostly Sicilian (from my mother), I find that at one time there were more Greeks in Sicily that there were in Greece. They totally dominated the island until the Romans came. Many of the greatest Greek myths, and some of the greatest Greek temples and amphitheatres, are Sicilian. Archimedes was born in the Sicilian city of Syracuse, which came to rival Athens in power and prestige.

Ya'll have a great weekend.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sunday Morning Musings

In the aftermath of the Sandy hook shootings, we are seeing many panels of "concerned" citizens being formed. Orlando will have it's own on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.. You can watch it online at if you want, but your time is better spent elsewhere.

The panel will include Ex-Senator Truck Nutz. What does he have to contribute except "buy more guns"?

Carey Baker is the poster child for what is wrong with the Florida legislature. An uneducated gun dealer who spends all of his time trying to find the next big office to hold. He has contributed nothing to improving Florida, and his presence on any panel is not even to the level of Taylor Swift.

There is also state Rep. Dennis Baxley, sponsor of Florida’s “stand your ground” law. This is the law that allows white Floridians to murder minorities with impunity. Like a cancer, it has spread to many other states through the efforts of white supremacists.

Can Orlando not find more intelligent and informed people to make up their panels?

I wonder how many of the panelists will bring up violent movies and games. Canadians watch violent movies and play violent games and they are not shooting each other. Maybe it is time to look elsewhere. That would, of course, require a panel that is not stuck in a rut.

We have a lot of gun deaths here in Central Florida; many of them are drug related or random drive bys. There are parts of Orlando that tourists should stay out of for their safety. I remember living in Tampa some 40 years ago. If you had to drive through Ibor City at night, you had your doors locked and windows up, and you better know where you are going. People would say that you shouldn't even stop for red lights - it was too dangerous. I haven't been to Ibor City in a long while, but I understand it has become quite a tourist attraction.

The availability of guns results in many losing their lives over what I consider trivial matters. I have always wondered why someone has to shoot their ex, and either spend the rest of their lives in jail or end up shooting themselves. Can they not just get over it? There are other fish in the sea. Seriously, no one has to be alone, you just may have to look harder for a mate. The sad result is children growing up with a parent, or innocent bystanders getting killed.

I am not smart enough to solve that particular problem. I just wish I could understand the reasoning. It is just one of those things that bug me because I don't know why.

It's like my search for George Forman "Comfort Zone" tees. They are the best I have ever worn, and now I can't find them. I swear I will buy 100 if I ever see them again.

UPDATE:  I mentioned Florida treasures the other day (Carl Hiaasen, Commander Coconut, and Debbie Wasserman Shultz), and I forgot one other: Scott Maxwell of the Orlando Sentinel. He is a must read, even if he does ocassionly waste your time talking about Taylor Swift.

Time to get ready to watch RGIII, so y'all have a great day.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

13 for 2013

Me…jog???  Pffffft… If you see me running, you better run too cuz there’s something chasing me.

I do not plan to do anything in 2013 so outrageous. I did run once in Moron, Spain. It was during their local feria, and they had three or four bulls running in the street, along with some crazy people like me. I almost bought it, as one bull had me in a corner. But, it wasn’t my day, and he was distracted at the last moment. I limited my running after that to my annual fitness test.

Unless one wants to free-float, you have to have some targets, goals, or, what the heck, resolutions to guide you. So, I have come up with 13 for 2013. The intended consequences are to be a better person, and help others at the same time. Wish me luck.
  1. Spend 13 minutes per day attempting to destroy a Gazelle by Tony Little.
  2. Experience 13 new artistic tastings. I completed one already.
    1. Wim Wenders’ “Pina.”  (Modern Dance)
  3. Spend 13 minutes per day improving the look of my cave.
  4. Perform 13 random acts of kindness.
  5. Improve my diet by focusing on healthful carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, soy products in natural, unrefined forms and some fish, like salmon.
  6. Visit the cinema 13 times this year starting with Oscar contenders “Amour”, “Les Misérables”, “Lincoln”, and “Zero Dark Thirty”. 
  7. Attend 13 community events
  8. Visit 13 new restaurants
  9. Read 13 books of quality this year. Starting with “The Boy Kings of Texas: A Memoir” by Domingo Martinez 
  10. Lose 13 pounds. Over 66 percent of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese by recent studies, and I am one of them.
  11. Quit smoking. Believe me, it will be the 13th time I have tried.
  12. Spend 13 minutes a day learning a language.
  13. Stay tuned