Speaking of rednecks, the Lake County School Board is really showing their ass over the issue of a Gay-Straight Alliance at carver Middle School. The talk about their desire to end bullying, but when a positive answer to the problem comes up, they stall and bloviate and hope the children graduate and go away before they have to do anything. It reminds me of the time a grand jury was investigating a parent's abuse of his children, and the father brought up the fact that his ex was a lesbian. All of a sudden the investigation of the father ended and the grand jury spent their time on the mother. This was one of my cases in Texas, and it shows where their heads are at. Gay and lesbian teens are not going to go away even if you bury your collective heads in the sand. They have always been here, and will be here long after your redneck ass is dust. Mega kudos to Lauren Ritchie for her excellent reporting on this exercise in stupidity by the school board.
I love the Ticked Off! column in the Orlando Sentinel. It is amazing how people get ticked at the smallest things. Someone today complained about a $110,000 jury award. That certainly doesn't compare to the $160,000 award to an old woman who spilled coffee in her lap. How about the burglar who got $500,000 because he got locked in the garage for 8 days, or the dumb Okie who put her Winnebago in cruise mode and went back to make a sandwich. She got $1,750,000 and a new Winnebago. How's that for profiting from your own stupidity?
Did you know that 11% of high school seniors are using Spice or K-2? That's synthetic marijuana for those who have not come across this drug that is available in gas stations and convenience stores. One of my clients has almost completely destroyed his life over this stuff, and another was well on the way. Hopefully the latest intervention will save him. The latest news says the government may very well lose their case of these designer drugs because they can't keep up with the chemists that are producing them. This will be something to watch closely.
I haven't started destroying that Gazelle as I resolved to do for this year, but I am working out three times a week with a trainer. He is making sure that I leave my 45-minute sessions with a sweaty tee.Oh, well, I am getting better, and I do get 45 minutes of reading in. Currently, I am listening to Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality by Patricia Chruchland. I had been reading Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to WWII by Douglas Blackmon. It was outstanding.
Enough for today. I'm going out to enjoy the 80 degree temps we are enjoying this week. Yes, the azaleas are in full bloom and the grass needs cutting. Despite the antics of Governor Scott and the uneducated dolts in the Florida legislature, we can enjoy nature's beauty. I'll be out watching some clients play Bocce tomorrow and you can be sure I will find a mess of bacon to make my weekend complete. So, enjoy your snow, as I enjoy my sunshine.