Anyway, to the forecast I had to spend my Saturday at Rasmussen College in Ocala learning CPR and First Aid; some new requirement out of Tallahassee's Department of Things We Dream Up to Justify Our Job. I went to roll my window up after I arrived, and BAM!, it was stuck. I now know with certainty that the seat of my car will get soaked today. lol
I was reading Jerry Greene's review of 42 this morning, and it was pretty much what I expected. What caught my interest, however, was a comment about the Leo G. Hershberger Award. There should be a special award for the four individuals whose creativity lasted 40 years before being revealed. A Tip of the Hat to all of you.
I work with the developmentally disabled, so Scott Maxwell's column this morning hit home. If you want to know just how stupid the powers in Tallahassee are, then all you need to do it read the article. A taste: "He's blind. And they are showing him pictures of a giraffe, a monkey and an elephant -- and asking him which one is the monkey."
It is just like watching DELMARVA auditors ask questions of our clients, and writing down the answers, which are all the same no matter what the question.
Maxwell, Lauren Ritchie, and Carl Hiaasen are must-reads in Florida.
"LaPierre might seem like an under-medicated whack job, but he’s just acting. His job is to frighten people, and to sell more guns." -- Hiaasen
"We have become so test-obsessed that we substitute standardized exams for common sense." == Maxwell
RE: School Superintendent Susan Moxley, "She needs to consider more carefully whether she should be accepting honors from and raising money for organizations that regard some of her students as unworthy of membership." - Ritchie
I had to run to Winn Dixie to get something for supper. Trips to that store always remind me of the song Pizza in My Shorts by Da Yoopers:
We’re the rotund family we never get along
We love to drive each other nuts and argue all day long
But when we order pizza that’s one time we all agree
Cause no one loves that pizza like the rotund family
It's time for Lulu, so I'll sign off.
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